Wolves and Wonders
Welcome to the crossroads where ingenuity meets imagination—a realm of Wolves and Wonders. Here, in the heart of the den, you’ll find the creations that shape my journey: tools forged in the fires of innovation and projects that howl with purpose.
Each endeavor is a testament to the balance I guard, blending the ferocity of the wolf, the pride of the lion, and the unyielding drive of the dragon. These are not just projects; they are pieces of the story I’m weaving, one step closer to the wonders yet to come.
Explore the paths below and discover the heart of my craft.
Git Syncer
Keep a directory in sync with a git repo.
Git Cyncer is a simple bash script designed to help users keep a directory in sync with a Git repository. The usage is straightforward—just run the script with two parameters: the repository directory and the time interval in minutes.
Example Usage:
./git-cyncer.sh /home/james-bond/git/git-cyncer 2
This command tells the script to update the git-cyncer directory every 2 minutes.
Note: You must clone the repository you wish to sync before using the script.
TT Server Manager
A server management bot fore TeamTalk5.
This bot helps you administer your TeamTalk server with ease. If you want to learn more, you can view it on GitHub.
Announce ntfy notifications over text to speach.
This small Python script lets you receive notifications from the ntfy service and convert them to speech. It uses a simple JSON configuration file, where you can specify the server and topic for receiving notifications.
Dot Files
Configure your system just like me.
These are my configuration files (often called dotfiles) for most of the programs I use. They are set up for deployment with chezmoi, allowing you to replicate my configuration with minimal effort.
Sound Schemes
Immerse yourself in a world where sound resonates with your soul.
Explore a collection of carefully crafted sound schemes designed to enhance your auditory experience. From subtle tones to dynamic soundscapes, these schemes are meant to create an atmosphere that aligns with your environment and mood.