The Circle of Honor
Behind every great creation lies a network of support, inspiration, and tools. This page is dedicated to those who helped make this website—and my journey—possible.
Special Thanks
🛡️ Cloudflare
First and foremost, my gratitude goes to Cloudflare for the domain that brought you here. Without their services, wouldn't exist, and you'd be stuck typing something cryptic like
just to visit this site. Thank you, Cloudflare, for making this dream a reality.
🐤 DuckDNS
A shout-out to DuckDNS, my original domain host, for providing me with the domain This humble subdomain kept my website alive and well before I transitioned to Cloudflare. Thank you for being a reliable stepping stone on this journey.
🐧 Daniel Nash and Patrick Wilson
A heartfelt thank-you to Daniel Nash and Patrick Wilson for guiding me through the depths of Linux. Your patience and expertise were invaluable as I found my footing in the world of open-source and command lines.
🌊 Zola and Speyll
To the creators of Zola, the incredible static site generator powering this website—thank you for making site-building such an enjoyable process.
A special thanks to Speyll for the stunning Anemone theme that brought this site to life. Your design expertise is deeply appreciated.
To everyone who has lent a hand, shared knowledge, or built the tools I rely on—thank you. This site stands as a testament to collaboration and community, and I’m endlessly grateful for the role you’ve played in its creation.