My perspective on art and art clasification
Art is a significant piece of our world, but what exactly is it? Art is purely subjective, mentally involved, and effort-requiring work that holds meaning for an individual or a group. It is a creation of the mind, and without thinking beings, a concept based in thought cannot exist. Art is, quite literally, thought incarnate.
Purely Subjective
Art is purely subjective. Essentially, something becomes art when it is perceived as such by the beholder. For example, if I look at a hammer and say, “This hammer is a work of art,” then to me, a work of art it is. However, if my brother looks at the same hammer and says, “This hammer is a tool; I will use it to pound nails,” then to him, the hammer is not art at all. This accentuates that art is whatever you perceive it to be. In essence, art is defined by the significance and value the mind deems it to contain.
Mentally Involved
Art is mentally involved, meaning that thought and-or skill must go into its creation. Let’s use AI-generated art as an example. If I prompt a machine learning model such as Suno AI to “make a song about the stars,” I have contributed no real part of myself to the piece. However, if I prompt it with something more personal, such as, “Make a symphonic metal song about a hero named Davos Dawn Erso, who travels the stars protecting those he loves. He is the leader of the Iron Power, an organization dedicated to defending those who cannot protect themselves. He is also a Chaos wielder and uses his control of Chaos magic to safeguard the galaxy,” then the piece contains a part of me. This prompt is based on a role-playing character I created, making it an artistic expression. The more personal involvement and intent behind an artistic work, The stronger its claim to being a true work of art.
Effort Requiring
Art requires effort, therefore some level of exertion must be involved before something can be classified as art. Let’s return to the hammer. Someone had to forge the head, craft and attach the handle, and wrap it to ensure it wouldn’t harm the wielder’s hands. This process required effort. Now, consider AI-generated art again. In my first example, I put in no effort. However, in the second, things become more complicated. Did I put in effort? Some may argue no because the AI still created the music, but in reality, the answer is yes. I put effort into developing the character of Davos Dawn Erso. Even though I didn’t directly compose the song, the character himself is the art piece. Essentially, while the final creation may not always require direct effort, the underlying artistic vision and input are still needed.
Meaning Expressing
Art holds meaning. For something to be classified as art, it must carry meaning for the artist or the observer. This meaning doesn’t have to be complex, but it must exist. Suppose someone paints a skyline and says, “This is a skyline.” To them, it is not art because it lacks deeper significance. However, an observer might see the skyline as a representation of modern life or the passage of time. This subjectivity transforms a simple painting into art. Additionally, meaning can be far more straightforward. If an artist paints a forest and says, “This is the forest outside my home,” then the piece holds personal significance. In essence, art must contain meaning, but that meaning does not have to be profound or philosophical.
At its core, art is a concept of the mind, an effortful process, and a subjectively meaningful creation. It exists because the mind perceives it, and it reflects the thoughts of its creator or observer. Art is a mentally involved, effort-requiring, and purely subjective incarnation of thought.