The wolf and the moon by karliene, a song of moonlight and pachion.
The Wolf and The Moon is a folk song released in 2016 by Scottish artist Karliene. It tells the story of a wounded wolf, alone in the winter snow. A fight with a bear had left the wolf injured, exposed, and dying. As he lay there, he looked up at the moon, and she smiled upon him. At this moment, the moon becomes a comforting presence to the wolf, as the song describes:
"She wrapped him up tight
In a blanket of stars
In a kiss in her red gold light."
The wolf sings songs of "passion and love" to the moon, pouring out his soul. When he wakes the next day, he is surprised to find his wounds healed. Looking to the sky, he presumably realizes that it was the moon who saved him. This song is a symphony of love, passion, and hope. It carries a message not just of resilience, but of releasing the emotions within. The wolf's howling songs symbolize this release, while the moon and its healing light represent hope itself. Karliene's music is heavily inspired by various fantasy series, such as Game of Thrones, The Lord of the Rings, and The Hunger Games. Her beautiful musical style is also deeply influenced by her Celtic roots, featuring rich and full arrangements centered around strings, simple drums, and vocals. This particular song consists of guitar, voice, cellos, and tin whistles (or flutes), creating a haunting yet ethereal atmosphere. It doesn't seem heavily influenced by any specific time period, though 2016 was a strong year for fantasy books with releases such as The Bands of Mourning (Mistborn #6) by Brandon Sanderson, A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2) by Sarah J. Maas, Fire Touched (Mercy Thompson #9) by Patricia Briggs, and Magic Binds (Kate Daniels #9) by Ilona Andrews. Each of these books are from incredibly popular fantasy series. Additionally, Kate Daniels and Mercy Thompson both feature shapeshifting werewolves, which this song may be alluding to. This song, and Karliene's music in general are a breathtaking and powerful symphony of fantasy and emotion.
The first time I heard this song, it felt like the emotional equivalent of a slap upside the head. I was coding my game engine, Electrode, at the time, listening to Karliene's music in the background. My friend Deann had just told me about her music, so I figured I'd give it a listen. I was in the middle of trying to solve a particular problem with the game engine when The Wolf and The Moon came on. It had a very different mood compared to the previous song, so it immediately grabbed my attention. By the time the song ended, my brain was pretty much in a non-functioning state. I can't fully describe how I felt, but let's just say I didn’t get any more coding done that day. The story in this song pulls you in, and the raw emotion in Karliene's voice is nothing short of staggering. Wolves have always been one of my favorite animals—and one of my top four favorite fantasy tropes. I’m not sure why, but I've always felt a strong connection to them. This song tugs on that emotional thread in a way that’s hard to put into words, and it will always be one of my favorites.
Balestri, A. (2016, May 11). A cat of a different coat: Spirituality, storytelling, and the music of karliene. Geeks Under Grace.
Goodreads. (2016). Best fantasy of 2016 (33 books). Goodreads.
Lester, L. (n.d.). The meaning behind the song: The Wolf and the Moon by karliene. Musician Wages.
The supernatural, soulful, haunting, melancholic music of Karliene. Supernatural Hippie. (2019, October 21).